domingo, 19 de febrero de 2012

"Els castellers", more than a tradition.

Where the "castells" come from?

"Castells" appeared two centuries ago in Valls. Since then they have been growing around many Catalan villages and nowadays are one of the most popular traditions in Catalunya.

In 1805 there was a big rivalry between two groups of valencian "castellers", set in the village of Valls, which competed to make the highest human tower. This provoked the creation of new groups of "castellers" in other catalan towns, who wanted to beat the other "colles" in order to gain reputation!

 Structure of "castells" and typical clothing


"Castells" require a big preparation that involves many hours of training,a lot of concentration and a great effort overcoat for kids.

The human tour is divided in 3 parts:

  1. "Pinya": its formation depends on the type "castell" you want to build. In this part we find the heaviest mens and womens from the group.
  2. "El tronc": is the part that we can find in the middle of the structure, and goes, concretely, from the second floor to the last part of the tower ("pom de dalt").
  3. "Pom de dalt": is the part of the tower that involves the last three floors ( dosos, acotxador and enxaneta). In this part we find the youngest member of the group and is the most dangerous place in case of fall.

"Els castellers" must wear white pants, the shirt of the "colla" they belong to and a black strip ( faixa).

In addition, a group of grallers and tabalers follow the building of the tower by playing "Toc de castells".

Best "castells" ever

Quatre de set amb agulla, 3 de 10 amb folre i manilles, 3 de 9 amb folre... by Castellers de Vilafranca
Many different "torres" from a lot of different colles... etc




Principal groups

Castellers de la Vila de Gràcia
Castellers de Vilafranca
Castellers de Sant Cugat
Capgrossos de Mataró
Colla vella de Valls
Xiquets de Terrassa


The importance of "Castells" in catalan culture

Las year, "castells" were proclamed "PATRIMONI IMMATERIAL DE LA HUMANITAT". This has lead to the recognition all over the world of this catalan tradition. In conclusion, "castells" apart from being a very important custom, represent the spirit of an incredible country, CATALUNYA.